STEM Complex
School of

Engineering & Applied Science

The SEAS Mission: Producing broadly-educated and capable engineers and computer scientists ready to contribute innovative solutions for a better world.

Current Job Openings in the School of Engineering & Applied Science

Gonzaga School of Engineering & Applied Science is hiring three new tenure-track positions -- two in Biomedical Engineering and one for Mechanical Engineering. Join teams that care deeply about the future generations of engineers!

See Current Job Openings

Recent Stories

Coffee and Civil Engineering

Day 3 of the engineering & computer science Summer Immersion Program focused on transportation and...

SSIP: Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science

The first full day of the engineering & computer science summer immersion program took the high...

SEAS Immersion Underway

Several young women from around Washington State are at Gonzaga this week to experience...

Contact the School of Engineering & Applied Science.

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502 E. Boone Avenue
Spokane, WA 99258-0026